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Quietly tiptoe to the guest bathroom in the dark, which is still pretty light since it’s on the east side of the house, and the upper half of the plantation blinds are open. I can just see the sunrise between the houses across the way. Sit down, and hear a gentle splat to my right. A flat, black form has appeared on the wall next to me. Please, oh please, be a moth. Sure. The tree frog jumps on my chest, then leaps away, propelled by my shriek. Grant levitates from our bed, but I’m able to breath and yell I’m okay. Everyone survives; the frog is captured and released to the wild. Before It may have joined us when I’d had the porch doors opened all day yesterday to put another coat of varnish on them. Spaulding came over Friday and sanded them with his electric sander. I’d offered to borrow it and do the sanding myself. He wisely realized I’d take all summer to get the 6 porch doors and the front door finished. He could knock out the porch doors in a couple of hours, then ta...