First Outing
Food of the Gods - A Costco Hot Dog Sadly, No Relish or Onion Available |
Everyone had to wear a facial covering. Physical distancing marks were taped on the floor at the meat counters and checkout areas. In some sections, employees held big signs to show how far 6’ is. Dallying as we do, we were still there at 10:00, and suddenly the store got crowded. Time to wrap up and get out.
I only went because I had an $846.02 Costco reward certificate that I had to go to the store to cash.
I’m feeling slightly guilty because we are not suffering in this quarantine. The first month, we were playing with grandbabies in Okinawa. Then we spent 5 weeks panicking about packing. Now, when others have been staring at their same old walls for 10 weeks, we are in our new home.
Granted, this isn’t how I thought we’d get to know our new community and start making new friends. So far, we’ve spoken, at a safe distance, to Nancy on our north side, and I’ve waved to the woman on the south. We’ve telephoned Ross, from whom we bought the house, and who now lives across the street. I wonder if Welcome Wagons even exist anymore.
Eventually I’ll make some cookies and meet my neighbors. Maybe.
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