Longtime Friends

I hesitated to get on the scale. Yes, the 5 pounds I gained on our Christmas market cruise have been joined by new friends from our 4 days of cabin camping. Too much wine, desserts, and hearty breakfasts. My only consolation is the joy I had spending time with friends. This year we (Kristine, Diane and David, Donna and Bob, Scott, and us) were joined by Deb and Rob, Paige, Scott’s daughter Katie, and visited each day by Tina and Ken, members of themUU church when Steph and Mary were in elementary school.

Grant and I mostly lazier around (why I’m not shocked about my weight gain). One day, the others took the glass-bottomed boat ride. This year, no manatees. They had already left the river for summer digs. Another morning, the healthier ones rented kayaks. I’d thought about joining them when the option was just a float downstream. When they decided to take a shorter trip that involved paddling back upstream, I opted out. My shoulders just aren’t strong enough for that. next year?

I did take a  4.3 mile walk with David through the piney woods where I saw a pileated woodpecker, a yellow bellied sapsucker, and a red shouldered hawk, plus a gopher tortoise. The day before, Grant and I had walked the 3 miles river trail with Diane and David. Bad decision, because after 2 miles, Grant was absolutely miserable with pain in his back and neck. He struggled to walk, even using 2 canes I’d made from fallen branches. I left him leaning, in great pain, against a tree while I hustled back to the cabin to get our truck. Fortunately on the way, I met Jim, a park volunteer maintenance man, and convinced him to give Grant a ride in his golf cart, a big deal since against policy. While trying to get up and into the cart, Grant fell. Not hurt, not even bleeding, but scarring the hell out of Diane and Jim. 

Now our plan is to walk every other day, starting with a mile and adding distance each time. We leave in 3 weeks to bird in Costa Rica.

I painted each day, using my water brush. Medium successful. The more I paint, the more I know how little I know. 


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