Old Age and Doctors

Well, that wasn’t what I expected. I noticed I am not seeing as well out of my right eye as my left. I’m already annoyed that my astigmatism has reappeared. Now what? The only three reasons I could think of for my mismatched vision was a poorly ground lens, a misdiagnosis of my prescription, or more deterioration of my eye. I spoke to Loren at my optometrists and made an appointment to figure out which.

Macular degeneration and an irritated cornea were not on my list, but that is what the doctor said. Hmm, old age is once again a factor. I did get points for not smoking and for eating my leafy green vegetables. Now I putting drops in my eye for 2 weeks to calm down the cornea irritated and taking vitamins to perhaps slow down any more deteriorating. I guess it’s patch, patch, patch until the end.

I made an appointment to return in 3 months and hurried home to pick up Grant for his doctor appointment over in Winter Park. Routine evaluation so he can get new prescriptions for all his fat old white man’s diseases, as we call them. In our opinions, the best kind of malaise to have since our medical establishments have put the most money and time into solving them. Again, old age is the primary culprit.

The doctor was not impressed that Grant falls asleep whenever he sits down for a few minutes. For example, he fell asleep in the waiting room while we were waiting for the doctor to appear. Last night, during a Zoom meeting; in the car on the way to bird; while we watch TV, etc. Within 2 minutes, his head is down, and he’s asleep. He wakes up whenever I poke him, but right back to sleep if I don’t watch. He can sit on a stool, fully asleep, tip farther and farther over, but I’ve never seen him fall. 

I’ve gotten used to it, but it worries other people. “Is he okay? Did he get enough sleep?” Yes and yes. He claims it’s because he’s bored. The doctor said this is not uncommon in his older patients.

We are lucky these are our worst complaints. I suspect the slide down hill will get steeper.


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