About all I can say for my jog this morning is that I did it, and it was 10 second pace faster than the 7th-week jog last time. Certainly, noting to get excited about, but I was out there, after taking 4 days off. The two red shouldered hawks huddled together on the power line didn’t look like they had much energy either. 51° makes birds fluffy.
Yesterday, crows and hawks were mobbing the great horned owl that was sitting in Nancy’s pine tree. I’ve been hearing a pair call for the past week. I still can’t figure where their nest could be.
This week, I’ve had trouble getting motivated to do much of anything. I started by getting out a box of photographs to look for pictures of Sean. These were ones I paid to have scanned onto a cd years ago and never even unsealed the box when they were returned. Even though the pictures were grouped with labels, I became overwhelmed. Every time I’d start to look at them, I just couldn’t decide what to do.
Then I got the insurance policy renewal for Patten’s house: $7900.00. Absolutely crazy, but looks like nothing to be done. I complained to Grant who suggested we check Lloyds. He didn’t know the policy was from Lloyds, the only company willing to write on the house. Good grief. We have to have wind insurance because of the mortgage. I’m going to find out about having a bigger hurricane deductible and any wind mitigation we can get. Maybe we should pay the mortgage off and dump wind coverage.
The neighbors two houses to the south (seems to be an AirBnB) had their 2 big oak trees and 2 crepe myrtles chopped down. Why? Why? No shade now, no frolicking squirrels, no birds singing. That really bothered me. I hate driving or walking past the pile of tree trunk.
Plus those dang pictures are still sitting there, looking at me.
Next on my whine list is the project at my watercolor class: pictures of rusty objects to practice browns. This is beyond my skill set. I practiced all week after a disastrous first painting. I’m getting better at controlling the amount of water (usually I have way too much), and a little better at waiting for a layer to dry before adding more color. Halfway through the second picture, I realized I’ve bitten off more than I can do. I look at the visual (a rusty escutcheon) but by the time I have color on my brush, I’m unsure where to paint. Plus the big size overwhelms me. New plan: paint a small sketch of a simpler escutcheon every day this week. I will try to get more detail each time.
We are also throwing money at the sprinkler system, more than I would like to. Cooper, a guy Bill said is “awesome “, cut out the old intake and installed a new one with 2 intake pipes and a new check-valve. $600. Still not much pressure. After he and I hemmed and hawed, we decided best to take out the other check-valve which Patten gave me for my birthday and Kyle installed. It always had air in it, like maybe the pump wasn’t strong enough. Perhaps the 1.5 horsepower motor was either too small or damaged. Let’s just drop in a new 2 horse one. As long as we’re at it, let’s turn the pump 90° so it’s out of the way and not a trip hazard anymore. That meant call Pete to have his guys pull up 5 deck boards to reroute the pipe. Cost: currently TBD, but I’ll add as I get bills.
I did manage to repot all the succulents and cacti after our Bloom and Grow field to Florida Cactus, where I bought a blooming “pincushion” and 2 bags of potting mix. All are now out by the pool, on the tea cart. One way to avoid those pictures.
I WhatsApp’d the kids, who all claimed they wanted their pictures. YES! Boxes can sit next to the luggage. I will carry them when we visit.
And I made a galette des rois for Mardi Gras. It’s supposed to be round, with a crown on top, but I only had one sheet of puff pastry, which I cut in half. One less thing in the freezer.
Today, I think I’m getting back on track. I’ve run, painted a simpler watercolor, and spoken to the insurance agent. I will get the pictures off the dining room table and into boxes to schlep to children and friends. I will sign the insurance e-form, since the bank has already sent the check and notified me the monthly payment has gone up because we need more in escrow.
And I will have a lemon martini tonight because today is Valentines Day. Grant brought home lovely roses which I put out on the glass table since they will last longer in the cooler weather.
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