EarlyBird Toastmasters 60th Anniversary Party

Definitely something I never wanted to see: the overhead sign on the turnpike which said, “Wrongway driver detected.” 

It was already raining, so this seems like a good time to stop at the rest area just up the road and have lunch. If we didn’t meet that misdirected driver first.

We were on our way to Fort Lauderdale for my Toastmasters club’s 60th anniversary party. The invitation was to dress like we would have in 1963. Most people thought hippies, but I knew better. My vintage wool skirt and white blouse, Grant’s madras shirt and khaki pants were what we would have worn. No jeans for us. I didn’t even own any.

I dug through my jewelry and found my circle initial pin (PCS), and both my and Steve’s class rings, his worn on a chain around my neck. It still amuses me that Naples High School rings featured a swamp buggy on one side and the Naples pier on the other. No generics rings for us back then. I doubt that is true nowadays, if they even still have class rings.

We’d both stuck to our diets, so, dang, we look good. 

Sunday morning, we went to the beach with Ryann. Patten was whitewater rafting in West Virginia with his buds. The water was fairly calm with sets of 5 huge rollers periodically. I paddled up the beach a ways, then back while Grant sat an watched. The beach immediately dropped off to well over my head so when the big waves came in, I got thrown around a little. It was okay when I was in the deeper water, because I could just dive under. But nearer shore, I struggled against the surf and got knocked down a couple of times. I was a little worried I might wrench my knee, so after I managed to get up, I braced myself against the waves and waded ashore. Reinforced my preference for the gulf. But an hour at the beach anywhere is still wonderful.

We’d bought bagels and some nova at the New York Marina Deli to have breakfast with Donna and Bob on our way home. Diets can start against tomorrow, this weekend was time to play.

Fortunately, our drive home had no errant drivers and no rain. Gracie was glad to see us.


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