
One of the super powers I claim is my ability to sleep anywhere. Nice beds, wooden floors, camp cots, all are fine. While I prefer to snuggle down in sheets fresh off the clothesline, that isn’t necessary. I even made true believers of my companions on our Belize birding trip when I fell asleep in the van’s jump seat as we rattled home on rough limestone roads after a night expedition to find owls. 

But my super power had been sorely tested this last year with all my aches and pains. For months I couldn’t pull up the sheets because my shoulders ached so bad when I tried to extend my arms. I was a human T. rex, with my elbows tucked in to my side, and only my forearms available to use. And forget turning over. Between my hips and my shoulders, that’s was misery. I was not happy. 

But those nights are gone. I’m back!

I was sharing a tent with Deb at the Full Moon Daughters’ winter camp out at Lake Griffin State Park. Spending a night sleeping on the ground and having my Thermarest pad deflate, I realized I’d only awakened once, and that was to hear the trees rustling in the wind. The next morning I awoke with a small pain in my right shoulder, but that was all. Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah. 

My improvement was confirmed the next week when we spent 4 days cabin camping at Blue Spring State Park with our south Florida glamping friends. Everyone else complained about the hard mattresses the State of Florida put in the cabins. Seemed fine to me. 

I am so lucky I have this ability. I also fall asleep easily, so if I am awakened, I can get right back to sleep. I am definitely a happy camper.


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