Our exercising is paying off. After sleeping in the nice, flat bed at the hotel last weekend, I decided I could put up with the sag in our bed no longer. Not only did I roll towards the center, I slept in fear that it would collapse. We’d already tried to reinforce the center support with t-bars on its wooden legs. They just bent the other direction. While watching a video of building a deck on a house in the Canadian woods (as long as I’m riding the stationary bike, I allow myself to watch silly things), I learned about joist supports. Aha, exactly what we need to fix the bed.
A trip to Lowes for the hardware and 2x4s, and we were ready to go. Of course, the job didn’t go exactly as I hoped, which it never does, however, we fixed the bed. More importantly, I was able to get down and up from the floor fairly easily. All those sit-ups and leg lifts were worth the whining.The next day, we had a second chance to use our re-found muscles when we wrestled with a quick setup tent/screen room. I tried to buy one last year, but none were available until July, after our summer camping trip. Thinking I was getting an early start this year, all I could find was a 12’ used one at Amazon. It arrived in a damaged box, but no mind. When we tried to put it up, it was too difficult for us. Then we tried to put it back in its carry bag. Somehow we had managed to get a side inside out, so we could not get it folded up. The next day, we tried to set it up again, crawling inside, crawling out, tugging, lifting, cursing, and being crabby with each other. Finally, I decided the only option was to remove the internal fiberglass poles from one area and pray we could get them back in place after I flipped the fabric around. It worked. We struggled and set the tent up again. We folded the tent carefully and got it into the bag, which had obvious sun damage, not “like new”, as the description indicated. That, plus our inability to set it up easily, and the fact that, even folded and in its bag, the tent was too long to fit into our truck meant we were going to return it.
Next project was to pack it into its shipping box which I discovered was a foot too short! No wonder the box was damaged. After much work, I was able to add another box on the end, taped precariously. Off to FedEx. The nice young man there said he would make sure the box held this time.
Grant and I kissed and made up, declared ourselves exhausted and gave ourselves permission to skip our exercises for the day. We laid down on our lovely strong bed and took a nap.
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