Our exercising is paying off. After sleeping in the nice, flat bed at the hotel last weekend, I decided I could put up with the sag in our bed no longer. Not only did I roll towards the center, I slept in fear that it would collapse. We’d already tried to reinforce the center support with t-bars on its wooden legs. They just bent the other direction. While watching a video of building a deck on a house in the Canadian woods (as long as I’m riding the stationary bike, I allow myself to watch silly things), I learned about joist supports. Aha, exactly what we need to fix the bed. A trip to Lowes for the hardware and 2x4s, and we were ready to go. Of course, the job didn’t go exactly as I hoped, which it never does, however, we fixed the bed. More importantly, I was able to get down and up from the floor fairly easily. All those sit-ups and leg lifts were worth the whining. The next day, we had a second chance to use our re-found muscles when we wrestled with a quick setup tent/screen roo...