Christmas Letter


How different this year has been from the last. After a year at home, we are now comfortable traveling and meeting our neighbors, joining Orange County Audubon and the Windermere Tree Board.

 Through dumb luck, we learned about availability of Covid shots in our area, so on Jan. 7th, we got in line at the Orange County Convention Center for our first. Suddenly, we felt confident we would once again see family and friends. After our second shot, I booked tickets for San Diego. Everyone talks about missing grandchildren, which we did, but hugging daughter Mary, after not seeing her for 364 days, just about stopped my heart.

She and Ryan had artificial grass and a swing set with slides installed in their back yard, which was a lifesaver for Bella and Remi, since California parks were locked down almost all year. I helped them build raised garden beds, and Bella carefully planted carrots and radish seeds, while Mary added tomatoes, peppers and herbs. Remi “weeded”. Some veggies survived.

Spaulding took a management job with his company in Salt Lake City, beginning in July. He and a friend with granddog Emma drove across country, towing the vintage Jeep. Molly stayed behind, finishing her job until she could join him in August. She now works in math curriculum development with the school system. We visited them in October, seeing their new house and missing the snows that came the next week.

Grant and Patten had hospital stays: Patten for an appendectomy, and Grant for observation after he fell off his bike and had a small brain bleed. Both have recovered, and we are thankful their stays were during lulls in Covid so there was room in their respective hospitals when they needed them.

Stephanie has returned to her office in Lakeland, which means we occasionally get to take Clara to or pick her up from her middle school, a magnet Spanish program in Winter Garden.This summer, she went with us for a trip to Yellowstone, spending a week driving each way, and 2 weeks camping in the park. Bison, bears, wolves, geysers, mountains, trout fishing, and miles and miles of soybean fields. 

I continue in my quest for a no-grass yard but have had to stretch my timeline to another year. In my vegetable garden, I grew corn, lots of okra, eggplants, and currently, tomatoes. The squirrels have thwarted my attempts at beans by digging up my seeds. Brunswick Stew may be in their future.

If you are heading to Central Florida, we’d love to see you. There is always room for you at our house.


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