Crazy Hair Ladies
I may have gone a little too short. During the lock down, Grant and I cut each other’s hair, for better or worse. When we were finally able to buy professional-quality electric clippers, our styles improved somewhat.
Good man that he is, Grant said he likes it. The rest of my family hasn’t acknowledged my new look. I saw Patten and Molly at Stephanie and Clara’s summer party yesterday, and not a peep from anyone about my hair. I find this especially amusing since Stephanie is in a neon-colored hair phase. Perhaps they are just awestruck. Or is dumbfounded the word I meant?
Finally, last March, a year after I’d had my last salon hair cut, I braved a local shop and told my stylist OJ to cut it short. She cut much away, and I liked the result, but it wasn’t as short as I really wanted. Two more appointments, she still was timid, but she trimmed a little more each time.
Friday, she struck. Perhaps, just a little shorter than I envisioned, but I was the one to tell her to go as boldly as she dared. I didn’t think she had it in her.
Good man that he is, Grant said he likes it. The rest of my family hasn’t acknowledged my new look. I saw Patten and Molly at Stephanie and Clara’s summer party yesterday, and not a peep from anyone about my hair. I find this especially amusing since Stephanie is in a neon-colored hair phase. Perhaps they are just awestruck. Or is dumbfounded the word I meant?
In any case, as the lady sitting next to me at the salon said to her beautician while they contemplated cutting an inch off her shoulder-length hair, “It will always grow back.”
It was all I could do not to turn to her and laugh.
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