And just like that, the pandemic is over. Yesterday, the head of the Centers for Disease Control announced that fully vaccinated Americans could do anything they want, close in and unmasked, indoors and out. Except at places that still require them, like airports, planes, and hospitals. Of course, since only about 40% of American adults are vaccinated, and those that refuse to be are the most adamant about not wearing masks, I wonder how this will all play out. The mutants are among us.
In the mean time, I sit and watch hummingbirds bathe in Mary’s fountain and lesser goldfinch eat niger from the bag she hung right outside her front window. Sometimes the goldfinch drink from the fountain, but so far no baths for them. The house finches don’t do either. I saw bluebirds one morning, so I’ve added watermelon to the bird feeder and encouraged Mary to buy meal worms. Her front room would be the ideal spot to set up the tres expensive KOWA spotting scope I treated myself to. Wonder how I can bring it the next time I come. Check the tripod and carry the scope? TBD
I am in San Diego for a few days to get a quick visit before the summer. No gardening or lifting grandchildren to give my shoulder a rest. Even with physical therapy, ice, and ibuprofen, it still hurts like the bejeezus. I continue with the exercises, graduating from 1# to 2# weights soon. Would that the CDC could declare my aches over too.
Bella and Doug |
I realized I need to drive to learn an area. While visiting Mary in San Diego, I had lunch with Mickie, a friend from high school. Mary dropped me off at her house; Mickie was to drive me back. Except she is also relatively new to San Diego. We missed a turn to get on an expressway way and were lost. I couldn’t help.
It’s the same in central Florida, although I’m getting the big picture of major highways, even learning the airport since dropping Grant off for his trip to visit Jamey in DC. The nuances of Orlando and Orange County still elude me. As does Windermere.
I attended my second Windermere Tree Board meeting and spent much of my time asking for clarification. What is the DRB? Design Review Board. DBH? Diameter at Breast Height. ANSI-300? Something to do with trees and city’s ordinances, I think. I’ll ask more at the next meeting.
I don’t even have Alzheimer’s, as least I don’t think so, yet I’m so disoriented in time and space. I don’t dare think about how it will be when I move to the home.
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