Thank You, Emily

When I went to Serbia to see long-eared owls, on the way I visited my niece in Switzerland. Fortunately the first weekend, my other niece came down from Sweden to see me, and she introduced me to the two-pants v one-pant day. What a wonderful concept. They had offered to translate the temps from Celsius to Fahrenheit, but since I have no idea what to wear at anything under 70°, that was useless. So each morning, Emily would tell me, “ Aunt Pam, today is a _____ pant day.” What a help. Of course, looking at owls in Serbia was always a two-pants day, plus long down coat, scarf, gloves, boots, etc.

Today I got up today at 3:00 AM to participate in my first Christmas Bird Count, I knew it was a two-pant day here in central Florida. I was to meet Wes at the MacDonalds in Mount Dora at 4:00. We would drive to a wooded area and look for barred owls and any other type owl until 6:00, when we would head back to Mickie D’s for breakfast. I planned to skin down to one pair of pants in the bathroom. 

At our first stop, Wes hooted, and two barred owls swooped low over our heads, but no screech or barred owls appeared. We stood around in the dark for a while. We gave up when the mosquitoes swarmed. As the sun came up, a cold front came through. I was happy in my double layers; Wes, in shorts, was not. We drove to designated sites in our assigned 15-mile diameter zone as the weather turned grayer, colder, and wetter. Other than the usual birds on lakes, some palm warblers, and a few crows, nothing was moving. Those bird brains were smart enough to hunker down and stay warm. Here I was my first birding with one of the top birders in Florida, and there wasn’t a little bird in sight. When we got to the cemetery, usually a good spot, even the palm warblers abandoned us. Such is birding. We called it a day at 2:00 PM.

Now I’m trying to send Wes the eBird checklists I created for each site we canvassed. He will collate them and turn in our species and head counts. Five out of eight lists will share; the others just are unresponsive. Just as uncooperative as those dang birds. At least I was warm. Definitely a two pants day.


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