Happy, Happy, Happy
There was a cartoon character, a cat I’m pretty sure, that would get something to eat, then rise up in the air in ecstasy, gently floating down in contentment with a sigh. Today, I am that cat. Joy just keeps coming over me.
I have a subscription to the Wall Street Journal, so I should receive a paper copy of it Monday through Saturday. Grant has a subscription to the Orlando Sentinel, and he should receive a paper copy of it on Sunday. What our delivery person throws out in our driveway is any random assortment of the two newspapers. Sometimes one, sometimes the other, sometimes both, occasionally neither. The subscriptions have digital backups, so it is only slightly annoying, especially if I don’t get the Saturday WSJ, because its puzzles aren’t on-line.
Today, both newspapers were outside. I will never, ever say another bad thing about the delivery person again, because on the front page of the Sentinel, an article explained how Orange County residents could sign up to get the Covid vaccine. I didn’t even finish the paragraph. Immediately, I registered at patientportalfl.com. I have an appointment on January 7, 2021, for my first shot; second one on February 4. Grant filled out his application, and he’s set too, same day, different time slot because they were filling fast.
I shared the website information with my sisters and girlfriends, but they can’t sign up for appointments. Other counties haven’t rolled out the vaccine yet. Most states are setting the elderly limit at 70 and over. (Our governor knows that old people vote. He’s hoping we will remember this for the next election. Sorry, there are too many other strikes against him that I will also remember.) We are so lucky to be here in Orange County, Florida. And that I read the newspaper in the morning.
Years ago, I was reading the WSJ in our warehouse office and learned the IRS was changing the way it imputed interest on real estate. I can’t remember the details, but I showed to my then-husband. We renegotiated our mortgage and saved thousands of dollars. I made more money by sitting with my coffee than we made working our butts off that month. I’ve kept my subscription ever since.
Now my sitting with my newspaper may have saved our lives. It certainly has made them better. I just keep smiling and feeling like I’m floating on air. I am so happy.
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