Happy Birthday to Me and to Nancy
I’ve planned a quiet and relaxed 74th birthday. I’m up at my usual 5:00 AM, made coffee, fed the cat, done my ab exercises. Now time to read magazine articles and learn one more bird order (28 down; 3 to go, unless the ornithology people reconfigure the groups, which they seem to be doing, now that DNA testing is widely available. My next project is to learn the passerine families. Might be possible.) Breakfast, then some yard work to finish weeding and trimming the west poolside bed. The weather has turned coolish, low 70’s, so I don’t have to be out at o’dark hundred. I’m cutting most of the salvias way back, to encourage more flowering. At the same time, I don’t want to cut back too much because all the bees, wasps, and flies still need places to feed. A delicate balance. After lunch of the very last of the Thanksgiving leftovers, we’re going to the Garden Theater in Winter Garden for Moonshine and Mistletoe: An Appalachian Christmas Tale . My review will be posted later. Then ...